The Dodo Blog

10 Tips For Better Results In Wet Felting

Feb 02, 2017

Wet felting for over 10 years and teaching wet felting workshops has made me very aware of the most common mistakes, that prevent you from getting the best results. So, I wanted to list them here, to help you avoid a lot of frustration, as well as wasting precious material and countless hours of work.

  1. Choose the right wool for your project

So, what’s the right wool to felt? The short answer to that question is that it depends on your project. This might sound vague, but you could write whole books just on wool. The good news is – depending on where you buy your supplies – you can normally get some information on what’s the right wool for wet felting, needle felting or for getting a more compact felt, for example.

An extremely important factor to consider is the wool’s thickness or width of the fiber. This depends on the sheep breads, the climate they live in (the warmer the climate, the thinner the wool) and it’s measured in microns. The lower...

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How Do I Know If My Felt Is Ready?

Nov 03, 2016

“How do I know if my felt is ready?” This is such a frequent question. And it’s answered in four words: do the pinch test!

And what’s the pinch test? When you feel your felt is solid enough not to fall apart anymore, you literally pinch the felt between your fingers to check if the fibers are still loose. If they’re not, it’s ready for fulling.

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